Rachael Baust, a central PA native, was born and raised in Beech Creek. She graduated from Penn State University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Sciences specializing in beef production and minors in equine science and agri-business management. To continue her love of animals, she joined our practice in 2009. Rachael grew up showing, raising, and training horses. Currently, three Arabian horses own her heart: Bella, Magnum, Remus, and Promo. Rachael married her college sweetheart, Tom, in 2011. Rachael and Tom share their home with Eddie Munster, a lucky stray cat, Ficken, a DSH, aka their “resident porch protector”, and Gibbs, a labradoodle rescue. Besides animals, her hobbies are kayaking, reading, hiking, and PSU football.